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What Is the Us Doing to Prevent Terrorism

Anticipating a surge in racist and detest-fueled attacks during the 2020 race, officials are speaking more than bluntly about politically motivated violence.

Justin E. Herdman, the top federal prosecutor in Cleveland, spoke to local pastors about domestic terrorism in October.
Credit... Andrew Spear for The New York Times

OAKWOOD VILLAGE, Ohio — As a group of prominent black pastors listened , the superlative federal prosecutor in northern Ohio, Justin East. Herdman, spoke recently at Mountain Zion church about the prospect that a gunman could target i of their congregations.

The subtext was articulate. Mr. Herdman is among a group of federal constabulary enforcement officials who have begun speaking more forthrightly near fighting domestic terrorism from the front lines. They desire to reassure a skeptical public that the Justice Department is forcefully combating racist and politically motivated violence in the Trump era, amid their ain mounting concerns near a possible surge in attacks sparked by the 2020 ballot.

"When I sit in church," Mr. Herdman told the pastors, "I have ane eye on what's going on at the altar, and I have got one centre on the entrance to the sanctuary."

"Mm-hmm," the pastors responded in unison.

The customs relations endeavour is the near visible of several aggressive steps by federal prosecutors and F.B.I. agents to combat domestic terrorism. The bureau has about 850 open up investigations across the Us. Prosecutors have backed rewriting the laws on domestic terrorism. And in northern Ohio, Mr. Herdman has encouraged his investigators to employ wiretaps, ane of their most intrusive tools, in such cases.

Their efforts show how federal law enforcement officials are fighting domestic terrorism and its un derlying ideologies , including white nationalism and neo-Nazism, equally they navigate non only demands to do more than to end high-profile mass shootings only as well limits on their power, like First Amendment protections for hate spoken communication.

At the church in Oakwood Hamlet, a middle-course suburb southeast of Cleveland, Mr. Herdman was joined by the surface area'southward superlative F.B.I. amanuensis, Eric B. Smith, who expressed concern that the bitter divisions that accept colored the nation's political soapbox will only worsen in an election yr and could stoke more violence.

"1 of the great concerns for us in the upcoming yr is this domestic terrorism threat," Mr. Smith said. "People are but conducting acts of terror because information technology's their side ."


Credit... Andrew Spear for The New York Times

Mr. Herdman, a career prosecutor and former intelligence officer in the United States Navy Reserve, gained attention recently for his performance at a news conference announcing charges confronting a white nationalist suspected of threatening the Jewish Community Eye of Youngstown, about 60 miles from Cleveland.

Investigators discovered an AR-15 military-style assail burglarize, World War II-era Nazi propaganda and a Hitler Youth knife in the basement of the suspect, 20-yr-old James P. Reardon of New Middletown.

Evoking recent mass shootings, Mr. Herdman denounced Mr. Reardon and his toxic views, describing Nazism and racial superiority as failed ideologies.

"Threatening to kill Jewish people, gunning down innocent Latinos on a weekend shopping trip, planning and plotting to perpetrate murders in the name of a nonsense racial theory, sitting to pray with God-fearing people who y'all execute moments later — those deportment don't make you soldiers, they make yous criminals," Mr. Herdman said.

His words resonated. Letters, phone calls and emails poured in. "Give thanks you for and then accurately describing the limits of fanaticism," wrote Larry Schwarz, who is Jewish and lives in Hatboro, Pa. "I take never heard the case made so eloquently and then cogently."

Mr. Herdman explained in an interview why he was compelled to speak out. "I wanted to lay down the marker," he said. "I couldn't let information technology get implied what the position of our office is."

Mr. Reardon'due south instance is one of dozens that Mr. Herdman's office has pursued in recent months. The F.B.I.'southward Cleveland field office, which has a dedicated domestic terrorism team, plans to add together more than investigators soon.

Mr. Herdman has encouraged his investigators to work aggressively, including using wiretaps to thwart domestic terrorists. Investigators must clear a high bar to start a wiretap; it requires the approving of a federal judge, and prosecutors must show that less invasive methods accept failed or likely would.

Mr. Herdman's role has charged others with making threats against federal law enforcement officers and confronting Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat of New York and a frequent target of conservative criticism.

Those arrests came afterward a man opened fire in August in a nightclub on the other side of the state, in Dayton, gunning downwardly 9 people and wounding 19. The gunman possibly embraced troubling beliefs, including anti-government, racist and misogynist views, co-ordinate to a law enforcement official.

Civil freedom and Muslim advocacy groups have accused the government of beingness slow to recognize the mortiferous threat as investigators focused heavily on Islamic terrorists.

"For too long, the F.B.I. was myopically targeting Muslims as potential terrorists," said Faiza Patel, co-director of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University Police School. "It is now feeling pressure from Congress and the public to address white nationalist violence, so we are seeing a wave of investigations and prosecutions."

Effectually the land, federal police enforcement officials have vocally taken on domestic terrorism. Thomas T. Cullen, the summit prosecutor in the Western District of Virginia and a Trump appointee, has moved aggressively to captive white supremacists who break the police force.

He prosecuted James Fields Jr., the avowed white supremacist from Ohio who steered his Dodge Challenger into a crowd of protesters near a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017, killing a young woman and injuring dozens. Equally Mr. Fields was sentenced in June to life in prison, Mr. Cullen said his set on was "motivated by this deep-seated racial animus."

Mr. Cullen has targeted local members of a Southern California-based violent white supremacist group, the Rising To a higher place Motility. 2 regions of growing concern are the Due west Coast and united states of america around the Great Lakes, where the F.B.I. has seen more than arrests than in other parts of the state.

Other prosecutors in Virginia every bit well as in Florida and Los Angeles have also targeted white supremacists.

Agents have as well ramped up activity against members of Atomwaffen, one of the most violent extremist groups in the country , absorbing suspected members on gun charges and asking a local judge to seize the weapons of one in the Seattle area because he was a risk to the public.

The group, which has dozens of members across the country, wants to start a race war in the Us, co-ordinate to the F.B.I. The bureau is also concerned nigh an Atomwaffen offshoot, Feuerkrieg Division.

Federal p rosecutors accept backed a domestic terrorism bill that they say could assistance in investigations, just the effort has stalled at the White Business firm, a Justice Department official said.

Whatever legislation too would probably face strong resistance from civil rights activists over its Outset Amendment implications. An existing federal statute defines domestic terrorism roughly as people trying to utilize political violence to intimidate others but carries no penalties.


Credit... Erin Schaff/The New York Times

The F.B.I. made 107 domestic terrorism-related arrests in the fiscal year that ended in September, a full roughly consistent with recent years.

"Certainly, the near lethality in terms of terrorist attacks over the recent years here in the homeland has been on the domestic terrorism side," Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, told lawmakers last month. Only days afterwards his testimony, the F.B.I. charged a white supremacist in Colorado with plotting to blow up a synagogue.

Though he and other senior law enforcement officials take spoken out nigh the rise of hate crimes and political violence, including Chaser General William P. Barr, who condemned both in a July speech on combating anti-Semitism, they stand out somewhat in terms of how the politics of fighting domestic terrorism have played out in Washington.

President Trump has stoked race-based fears and praised "both sides" after the deadly Charlottesville attack. He too continues to lend credibility to white nationalists and anti-Muslim bigots by amplifying doubtable accounts on Twitter, according to an investigation by The New York Times.

But after years of prodding, the Section of Homeland Security finally affirmed in September that domestic terrorism was a national security threat while earlier this year, the F.B.I. established a domestic terrorism-hate crimes fusion cell.

The Justice Department should also craft and make public a strategy to combat white nationalist violence, Ms. Patel said, adding that the government does not necessarily demand new laws to fight domestic terrorism, just new priorities.

In Ohio, Mr. Herdman expects extremism to persist. "Just based on the trend line, I don't see where it goes downwardly," he said.

He has prosecuted cases associated with a mixed pocketbook of ideologies, including anarchists, people obsessed with mass killings and sovereign citizens, who view regime as illegitimate.

The F.B.I. late last year arrested Damon M. Joseph, a white supremacist-turned-aspiring-jihadist who was planning to assail a synagogue in the Toledo area. The arrest came weeks later the mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue that killed 11 worshipers, an attack that Mr. Joseph had praised.

That same week, agents arrested a Toledo couple, Elizabeth Lecron and Vincent Armstrong, both 23, on charges of planning to blow up a bar there. Investigators said Ms. Lecron consumed Nazi literature and was infatuated with mass killers, posting photographs and comments on social media glorifying the Columbine school shooters, who killed 13 and wounded 21 in Littleton, Colo., in 1999, and the man convicted in the killing of nine blackness worshipers at a church in Charleston, Due south.C., in 2015.

In a periodical, Mr. Armstrong wrote: "I have a vision. A vision to impale. To chase the unwilling."

Ms. Lecron pleaded guilty in Baronial to providing material support to terrorists, a crime frequently charged in international terrorism cases — but non domestic ones. Mr. Armstrong also pleaded guilty to his role in the thwarted assail.

At the church, Mr. Herdman, who has given the aforementioned sober talk to Muslim and Jewish religious leaders, offered a reminder nigh why the Justice Section was founded afterward the Ceremonious War: to fight the Ku Klux Klan, whose members have historically terrorized blackness people and targeted churches.

"We're here for you lot," he told the pastors.

Katie Benner contributed reporting from Washington.
